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SuperOkay AppSumo Lifetime Deal

SuperOkay – AppSumo Lifetime Deal

SuperOkay is a Software as a Service (SaaS) that lets you make client portals that you can use to share project links, assets, apps, and more with your stakeholders.

The app has a lifetime deal on AppSumo, and it’s worth checking out if you’re ever in need of a unique client portal.

You and your client would be able to access all the project information and apps in one place.

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The SaaS is an alternative for Portal and Basecamp. It is best recommended for digital marketers, web developers, and agencies looking for a way to keep track of their clients’ projects

SuperOkay is a new way for freelancers, agencies, and service providers to see their projects in a clean dashboard with a separate client portal.

You can quickly put together everything from useful links to project briefs and estimates in one place.

The platform also keeps track of apps that you and your clients already use, like Google Analytics, Figma designs, and Trello boards, so that you can get started quickly with them.

SuperOkay simplifies the process of creating intelligent documents by providing basic components such as text, graphics, and headings.

Add interactive modules to your website, such as pricing tables, Q&As, approval buttons, embeds, and file requests, to create a unique interactive experience for your clients.

To begin, select one of SuperOkay’s content templates, which include a variety of briefings, proposals, status updates, and scope revisions.

Additionally, you can personalize templates and save them for reuse in future documents.

Additionally, SuperOkay enables you to modify each portal to correspond to the current project or client brand.

The precise design options enable you to create the illusion of a distinct space for each project, visually separating your work.

This enables you to shift gears more quickly and maintain a consistent mental state, ensuring that each endeavor receives the attention it needs.

Client contact is difficult enough without continually following up and worrying about how many exclamation marks are too much in a single email. (“However, I truly hope to hear from you soon!!”)

SuperOkay provides you with easy-to-use, customizable portals for sharing all of your project’s data, assets, and tasks with your clients.

Maintain consistency across your clients and your projects.

Get the lifetime deal now!

Lifetime Deal
9.8/10Our Score

SuperOkay is a platform that offers customizable client portals to share project links, assets, connected apps, and more with your stakeholders. Quickly share project information, assets, and tasks on a customizable client portal.

✅ Unlimited client contacts
✅ Deep branding
✅ Quick links
✅ Updates timeline
✅ Build interactive documentation
✅ iFrame integrations (over 100 apps)
✅ Real-time client approval workflow
✅ Reusable blocks

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